Ten Reasons You Should Be Playing Golf!
By Andrew Wood
Golfers Live Longer: Really they do; 5 years on average according to a Swedish study, so that’s a no brainer!
Golf Keeps Your Weight Down: A round of golf walking burns 1500 calories and keeps your weight down. So no matter how badly you play you win!
Golf Reduces Stress, (or so they say) and increases your mental capacity, creativity and problem solving ability, all of which are positives!
Anyone Can Play: The appeal of golf can span the age range of all members of a family. A young golfer may enjoy the challenge of making contact with the ball for the first time, learning a new sport or the delight of spending the day with an adult relative. For an adult, golf may be a great opportunity to isolate his family from distractions and focus on spending time together in the context of a fun game.
Golf Creates Lasting Friendships: Golf is the perfect venue to make new friendships and strengthen old ones. My three best friends from starting out as junior golfers in 1976 remain so today although I live 4,00O miles away. If you go to the course alone and join with other players, by the end of the round you may find yourself having a beer with new friends while reliving that birdie on the 13th one more time.
Golf is Great for Business: “All things being equal, people will do business with a friend; all things being unequal, people will still do business with a friend." Mark McCormack. If you are in business or just need to make contacts, the golf course is the perfect place. There is plenty of time between shots or while waiting for the group in front of you to talk about your product or service.
You Can Enjoy Nature. Your playing partners in a round of golf are not just people. They are deer, turtles, foxes, woodchucks, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, elk, beavers, trout, bass, hawks, blue heron, eagles, geese, ducks, robins, blue jays, toads, armadillos, turkeys, otters, gophers, lizards, butterflies, dogs, bobcats, coyotes, panthers and alligators and that’s just some of the wildlife I have enjoyed over the years on the course. In Africa I have also played among zebra, giraffes, and a host of other animals I couldn’t even name.
Golf Gives You A Reason to Travel: There are so many amazing courses around the world, from the links of Scotland to the blue waters of the Caribbean, and golf is a great reason to visit different countries to see them all. Ah…so many courses so little time.
Lifetime Challenge: Golf is a game of a lifetime and the challenges it offers change daily with the course conditions, wind and weather.
Great Recreational Value: Golf is really a great value when compared to many other activities.
With all the positive benefits golf has, there is no time to lose, it’s time to get started or re-connect with the game.
Next Steps
 Jeremiah Hoffmann, PGA Head Golf Professional Rolling Meadows GC (920).924.2425 Golf Instruction Website

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