Rolling Meadows Golf Course Meeting Room is often used for small business meetings, 4H and gatherings up to 100 people. The room is 67 x 40 and has attached bathrooms.
The hall offers tables and chairs for 100 guests and the fire code allows for 200. Additional furniture may be available upon request. WiFi is available.
When you enter the room the furniture is stored and the user of the room sets the room up the way they want, has their event,and then returns the furniture back to where it was.
To use the room with the golf course food and beverage service call the golf course at 920-929-2926 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Carryin / Carryon food and beverages are not allowed.
The room is available from 7am to 11:59PM.
Empty room with furniture stored.
Set up looking East and West for a birthday party.