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    Bernie Jones Big Cup


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The Bernie Jones Big Cup began in 1991. Our tournament was the original big cup tournament in the Fond du Lac area and was the first to have custom metal big cups manufactured for the event in the early 1990’s.

Our golf outing was held to honor and remember our father and avid golfer, Bernie Jones. For many years, all proceeds from the tournament funded two or more annual scholarships at the University of Wisconsin - Fond du Lac.  The University of Wisconsin- Fond du Lac was a place Bernie held near and dear to his heart.  Bernie was a non-traditional student at UW-Fond du Lac in the mid-1980’s and was believed to be the oldest college basketball player in the US at age 40.  Upon completion of his Bachelor’s degree at UW-Oshkosh, Bernie served as Business Manager and Golf Coach for the University of Wisconsin- -Fond du Lac until his passing in 1990. 
To date, the Bernie Jones Big Cup Scramble tournament has funded 70 scholarships at UW Fond du Lac concluding with the spring 2024 semester.  

Upon our mother Kathy’s passing in 2018, we also established a fund to support worthy causes and organizations in the Fond du Lac community. The Kathy and Bernie Jones Family Legacy Fund, which is held by the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, awarded its first grants to the Fond du Lac community in 2019.  As we move forward, The Kathy and Bernie Jones Legacy Fund will be the sole recipient of funds from the Bernie Jones Big Cup Scramble. In addition, the funds that were previously held for UW-FDL scholarships have been repositioned to the Kathy and Bernie Jones Family Legacy Fund for use in our community.

With a balance of $150,000 in the Kathy and Bernie Jones Family Legacy Fund at the beginning of 2024, we look forward to funding causes in the Fond du Lac community that were important to our parents, including scholarships to local students.

Please feel free to follow the Bernie Jones Big Cup Scramble happenings and results here: https://www.facebook.com/BernieJonesBigCupScramble/

Please follow the Kathy and Bernie Jones Legacy Fund happenings, fund balances and community grants here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064748886876

Heading into the 34th Annual event in 2024, the Bernie Jones Big Cup is by far our longest running event!  Other events have come and gone, but through it all the Bernie Jones continues to be the event that avid and novice golfers mark on their calendar as "Can't Miss."  The stories from the event over the years have grown to legendary status, and many simplly can't be shared here.  Find out why everyone loves this event and create your own tradition!  Sign up for this year's Jones! Download the entry form here  OR register and pay for your team here at our secure website.   Paper forms can be mailed to or dropped off at the golf course. 



Bernie Diving BoardBernie Head Shot  




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